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Demonstration of how to use the plasterer easily, conveniently, finish the work quickly

Demonstration of how to use the plasterer easily, conveniently, finish the work quickly

25 Feb 2019

Maltech mortar sprayer can be easily used for construction applications of any size. compatible with a wide range of prefabricated mortar brands to use a plaster sprayer, it is necessary to choose the type of cement that is suitable for the work, and also to calculate the ratio of mixing cement with materials such as stone, sand and water, because each type of cement has unequal hardening properties. if the ratio in mixing is poorly calculated. cement meat may also harden quickly and cause drying and clogging during the use of a plaster sprayer. if mixed too liquid, the cement texture may not bind to the wall or surface to be sprayed with a plaster sprayer, which can result in slow construction work.

Wall plastering using a plastering machine here are the steps:

1. mix cement lime and details into the resting tank of the plaster sprayer in a ratio of 1:1:3 or present. use ready-made
2. turn on the plaster sprayer light system and turn on the switch to let the water into the mortar tank and turn on the plasterer switch for the motor to mix the mortar.
3. use a salad brush to moisturize the work surface to control moisture, preventing it from cracking, because dry bricks suck water out of the plaster. make the plaster quickly dry.
4. spray the plaster using a plaster sprayer on the wall, it should be sprayed from top to bottom. to prevent plaster from falling off and not waste plaster.
5. use a triangle or plastering machine to slash out excess plaster and level the surface and spray the plaster using a plaster sprayer on the part where the mortar is not full and slash the plaster surface again and leave it fairly damp.
6. whisk the water into the bubbles using a salad brush to cover the surface of the dry plaster. use a plastering trowel or plastering machine to make the plaster surface evenly smooth.
7. use a plaster slasher with a moist sponge. slash the plaster again across the wall and use a broom to remove the grains of sand stuck on the wall. after plastering the walls using a plastering machine, it should be cured with water for at least 3-7 days, making the wall surface plastered with a beautiful plaster sprayer.